I have been in the music industry as a manager and freelancer for 30 years and my choices allowed me to live the dream of offering services to celebrities at the highest level.

I started a project management company while working at a recording studio here in Atlanta and it was there that I realized, my work can help young people (19-27) in particular how to boss up, the right way.  

My company Creative Collective Capital recently formed a business development division for indie artists who wants to start and own their own record label. 

In the program, they are:

  • coached through a personal and business credit program
  • given the ability to apply for loans or installment plans (with 1 app) 
  •  begin properly marketing their products.

 Our company helps manage their self-run projects and offers interns that want to be in the music business to help them form teams for free. virtual at a low price.

Similar to a business incubator, artists have to 

  • move up levels
  • get a chance to meet professionals in music & tech fields
  • pitch investors and major label distribution companies
  •  all while keeping ownership of their IP.

Seeing young people with drive and no direction saddens me. Helping them find inner direction and business mentorship, is my purpose in life.

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